Saturday, November 8, 2008

A New Coat

Sorry to disappear on you this week. Jonah got hit with a nasty cold that leaves him (and mama) restless at night and fussy during the day, thus I'm feeling rather drained and not particularly creative. I did, however, finish up a little project this week that I'll share with you. Jonah definitely needed a new jacket this fall. All his sweaters from last winter still fit around his middle, but were quite a bit short in the arms and bodies. I decided to make his coat – prompted in part by the return of seasonally cool weather this week.
I used Burda pattern number 9634, which included a pattern for a coat and pants. (The pants are cut out, but not sewn yet.) I knew I wanted to make it from wool, but that it needed to be washable as well. So, I went to a local fabric store and bought cream colored wool suiting. I took it home, felted it, dyed it blue, and voila- washable, soft wool! I lined the coat with a fun Japanese fabric, and used 4 snaps to close the coat rather than buttons as the pattern instructed. On the whole, I think it turned out pretty well. The only drawback is that the coat is bigger and bulkier than anything J has ever worn – and he has a bit of trouble maneuvering in it. Today, while trying to pick up his toy, he tipped over on his face and couldn’t get up without help. Poor little one! (Reminds me of the boy in “The Christmas Story” who, once dressed for the winter outdoors, couldn’t move.) My favorite part is the oversized pointy hood!

Okay, so that picture makes the wool look really pilly - gah! In real life it is mostly soft and fuzzy and broken-in. On the whole, I think it turned out well. (Or, to stay true to my North Dakotan roots - I'd say its not too bad.)

And the baby in it- well I'd say he's just about perfect!

Monday, November 3, 2008

A Little Adventure

Jonah and I went on a little adventure today. Before I tell you about it, I’ll give you a little hint as to what it was:

You probably guessed it – wading! We’ve been hiking at a local open-space park a few times this fall, and a bit of the stream has been blocked off by a beaver dam, creating a perfect wading area. Poor Jonah was beside himself to get into the water when last we went, so I decided we needed rubber wading boots. His feet are just barely big enough for the tiniest boots I could find, and when he was wearing them around the house his feet slip out with each step. (Also, these are the first non-soft-soled shoes he’s ever worn, so walking was a big challenge.) Putting some bulky socks on him seemed to help, and once he got into the water with them, he did really great. No tumbles at all!

We are having such unseasonably warm weather that we wanted to take advantage of it right away, lest it disappear on us. Hard to believe we were wading while wearing short sleeves in November! We had such a fun time playing with sticks, our little boat-on-a-string, and of course petting any dogs that came by.

Once he got tired of the water (it is hard work slogging around in knee-deep water!) we played in the leaves for quite a while.

Even after we changed out of our wading boots, he had fun with them.

It was just our sort of adventure!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


I hope you all had a fun Halloween!

We had a low-key but nice day around here, and the 75 degree day didn’t hurt, either. Jonah and I started off by meeting a group of friends at the Children’s Museum in the morning. They have a big Halloween event with outside booths for trick-or-treating, games, pumpkins and hay bales for the little ones to climb on.

Jonah got one package of candy corn and one dried fruit thingy which was just about the right amount of candy for him. Mostly, he enjoyed the hay bales. After a couple of very stimulating hours, we headed home, ostensibly to take a nap (mama really could have used one!) however due to all the fun we’d had, the nap just didn’t happen. Sigh…

Once home we had a slightly disturbing revelation. Willow, my goofy deaf cat, is apparently a hunter!! Don't be deceived by her cozy sleepiness (although we certainly were) - she is a force to be reckoned with.
True to the spirit of Halloween, she happily deposited a bloody, headless mouse on our back step. (Don’t worry – I didn’t take any pictures!) Now I guess I know where the occasional dead mouse I find is coming from. Poor Alex was quite upset when he got home (“Why did she have to kill it?”) but was slightly impressed at the same time.

Okay, back to Halloween. Well, Alex had declared a couple weeks ago that he didn’t want a costume this year. Of course, the night before Halloween he changed his mind. After discussing why he couldn’t wear a gruesome costume like some of his friends, he decided he would be a ghost. So, Friday afternoon at 4:00 we headed across the street to the ARC in search of a ghostly costume. 20 minutes later we emerged with a white thermal shirt, a pair of baseball pants, and a sheer curtain panel – ah victory!! Once home we tied a dish towel on his head, pinned the ghosty curtain to his head and drew on a couple eyes, and, voila! He was in such a hurry to get going I only managed to get one (blurry) photo before he and his dad took off. (I like to think the blurriness adds to the ghostly-ness.)

Oh, yeah, somewhere in the middle of all this we carved our pumpkins too. It was quite a night! Poor Jonah passed out at about 5:45, but Alex and Matt had a fun time going around the neighborhood with the neighbor boys. All in all, it was a rousing success.